Always consult with a Certified Arborist before bringing in the chainsaws. This will ensure that the eventual work performed on your trees meet with your needs and has minimal negative impact to the trees themselves. In most cases the consultation cost is a one-time expense. We are always happy to consult with established clients free of charge. Trees grow slowly, in order to treat them right we need to establish a long-term relationship with them and their environments.

  • Understanding your trees relationship with urban soil
  • Forming a long-term relationship with your trees. Learn what you and your family can do over the years to maintain optimal tree health.
  • Identify and understand the impact of invasive species on the landscape, urban forest, and in urban/wildland interface areas.
  • Learn about proper pruning practices, how and why trees respond to pruning, and about the process of Compartmentalization of Decay in Trees (CODIT).
  • Damage prevention/mitigation to trees during development, remodeling, or while making changes to the landscape.
  • Determining the legality of pruning or removing large trees and the impact of doing so on the urban forest.

Risk assessment and resolution.

  • Become informed about the inherent conflicts between trees and infrastructure and the importance of having the right tree in the right place.
  • Understanding tree pathology. Treatment recommendations are based on individual tree species, condition, and location.
  • Establishing a budget that is realistic for you in regards to the management of your trees and helping to set your tree tree care goals.